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Frequently Asked Questions

  • What health testing do you do on your parent dogs?
    Our parent dogs start their testing from the moment we decide they have potential to produce amazing babies for our puppy families. We first begin with their genetic health testing and color traits, and as long as everything checks out there we continue their testing! In the process of continuing their testing we are always evaluating for temperaments, making sure we are only breeding the best family oriented pets. When old enough we have OFA hips, elbows, patellas, cardiac, and thyroid evaluated by professionals who specialize in that department. NOT just our primary veterinarians opinion.
  • What vaccines will my puppy have?
    We start vaccines when the babies are 5 weeks of age, with a neopar vaccine. They will then receive their 8 week distemper and bordatella vaccine with our vet. All babies will be up to date on vaccines and come with a health certificate.
  • Will my puppy be potty trained?
    Your puppy will be litter/grate trained. We start potty training at 3 weeks, within a week or two they have generally grasped the concept and are using their potty area 100% This training teaches the puppy they will have a designated place to use the restroom not the entire home. The potty training will need to be finished with their new parents, show them where it is okay to relieve themselves. Puppies generally are not able to start holding their bladder fully until around 12 weeks. Some puppies earlier and some later, patience and routine are the key to success.
  • If we are states away can we still get a puppy from you?
    YES, you absolutely can! We work with several absolutely wonderful flight nannies and one phenomenal ground transportation person! We choose to work with individuals and a small family operated ground transport company as we believe in supporting the small businesses of America. We also prefer the more personalized experience, and their caring approach to keep our puppies safe during their travel.
  • What do you expose your puppies to?
    From day 1 of life our puppies are handled and exposed. We do ENS (early neurological stimulation) and ESI (early scent introduction) from days 3 - 16. Then from 17+ days until they come home to you we are doing daily handling exercises and daily exposure. Just a few of the things we expose them to include: different textured surfaces, a plethora of different noises and smells, moving interactive toys, other dogs, cats, children, car rides, vacuum, television as well as all things in the home. We also do weekly baths, blowouts, and grooming so they have a wonderful foundation. Exposure should not stop with us, it NEEDS to continue with you!!! Weeks 8-16 are an absolutely vital time for them to develop mentally. They need to see and hear everything. Take them out, SAFELY! In this time period they will not be fully vaccinated so you must take caution as they do not have their antibody protection yet. You can do this safely; carry them or use a cart with a blanket down, they even make dog strollers now. They do not need to be touched by other people, they just need to watch, listen, and smell. **When taking them out, I recommend avoiding any pet specific places as that is generally where you would/could pick up parvo**

Please reach out if you have any questions.


Hernando / Ocala FLORIDA

Near Orlando, Tampa and Gainesville Airport

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Calls and Facetimes are by appointment only.

Ö¿Please message us with any questions!

  -This is NOT puppy application, if applying for a puppy, please fill out full Puppy Application form. 

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© 2019 Wolfpack Poodles and Doodles

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